Concerning Hobbits…

     This webpage serves the purpose of sharing the burgeoning progress of a Fan-Edit to end all Fan-Edits: There and Back Again: The Composite Edition.

First, there was the Tolkein Edition. Then the Underhill Editor’s There and Back Again absolutely blew our minds. Then came David Killstein’s Definitive Hobbit Cut, which showed how the film could be paced. Maple Film’s edition had some beautiful gems as well.

Other fan-made cuts continued to come out, and it became increasingly clear that through each editors creative contribution, a beautiful film was evolving.
By taking the best ideas of each edition and adding his own creative touch, the Nameless Editor has spent over a year producing an edition that is simple, faithful to the book and which could stand alone as a theater-quality movie. Nameless Editor has created two versions: The “Theatrical” Cut of 3 hours and the “Extended Edition” with a run-time of 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Expected completion around Thanksgiving

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